Master the call

As a great real estate agent, you’re on the phone a lot. It’s critical that you project confidence whilst talking to people, so in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you to master the call and coach you on the basics that you need to get right.

What you do in the first 15 seconds is critical to connecting with the customer, so the first thing you need to work on is projection. You’ve got to sound like you know what you’re talking about, ask relevant questions, and be clear on the outcome of the call.

Accordingly, the last 10% of the call is where the money is made. That’s where you book the appointment, and to do that I’ll give you the dialogue for the specific questions you need, and I’ll show you how to ask them to get that result.

Getting in front of people is where you’re best in influence. The challenge is in keeping the calls short and productive. You’ll get to the point of conversion more quickly by using the critical path of questions, which I’ll outline and demonstrate for you.

The most attractive quality for anyone is to be confident in your own skin. You need to be prepared with your questions, and also prepared to put yourself into a position of possible rejection. Understanding what the client is trying to achieve is your goal.

The key thing is that no one inquires about a property because they’re happy with their current house. Your job is to master the call to discover their dissatisfaction and their vision and get those appointments made.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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