Marketing to customer objections

Marketing savvy is core to being a great agent. Today I will show you some of the best marketing devices for addressing customer objections. Every client has them and you have to get past that to progress them. And the best way to do that is to make their fears and concerns work for you.

Learn to view every client objection as a marketing opportunity. The key is to address those objections up front, even before the client brings it up, and present a solution. You already know a lot of those barriers because they are frequent. A big one right now is the lack of properties for sale in the current market. Considering that each seller is also a buyer, people are afraid that they won’t have a place to go because they aren’t seeing properties they want to buy.

Market yourself as the agent with a solution. Demonstrate confidence by stating the issue and offering to resolve it. Use a headline like, “Reluctant to sell because you can’t find something to buy? Then call me now because I’ve got the answer.”

Another method is to target customers who can work for you. For example, to make your listings stand out from the other mundane just listed, just sold ads, use a headline like, “Someone on your street is about to sell. To find out who is selling and why, call us now.” Not only is this approach compelling, it will especially draw in customers who gossip. They like to know what their neighbours are up to so they can tell everyone they know. That’s immediate word-of-mouth promotion for you.

Watch the news for marketing ideas. Using reports about the real estate bubble and when it’s going to burst, you can build some very effective marketing campaigns. I have found that carefully structured direct mail pieces work well in reaching potential clients directly. You can put hesitant customers’ fears to rest whilst leveraging more progressive clients looking to capitalise on timely opportunities.

Don’t overlook the power of a dynamic ending for your marketing message. Your headline draws them in, but your ending hook should trigger them to call you. One method is the if/then technique, such as, “If you’re thinking of selling – or even if you’re not quite ready – then call us today and let us help you sort it out.”

Use these guidelines to produce outstanding marketing messages that work for email, video, direct mail, and any other media you employ. Use multiple formats to reach consumers wherever they hang out, and focus on providing value by anticipating their needs even before they perceive them.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Excellent tips Josh.
    “Reluctant to sell because you can’t find something to buy? Then call me now because I’ve got the answer”
    May I please ask what answer you have for them?

    1. You can:
      Match them with other appraisals.
      Take them to market with a long settlement.
      Take them to market with a lease back in place.
      Take them to market and find them something to lease.


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