Making Time for Talent

If your vision is big enough then you know you’re always going to be hiring new talent. In this Growth, Leadership and Management tip I’ll show you why making time for talent is crucial, and how to stop missing out on your best hires.

Too often potential new hires looking to work with an agency are simply sent away when there’s no current job opening. But then when an employee leaves, that agency suddenly has to scramble to try to fill the vacancy. It’s a good idea to gather information on those interested in your business and keep them on your talent bench. Then when the inevitable vacancy occurs, you’ll have a ready list of quality talent to call.

Really, everyone you’ve met has the potential to work inside of your company, but you’ll never know if you’re not having those conversations and thinking ahead. If you think you don’t have time for that, consider how much time it takes to find a new hire that’s a great fit when you’re trying to fill an open position as quickly as possible. Every individual in your organization has an expiry date, including you, and each of them will leave someday. Wouldn’t it be great to have a ready list of potential talent to start calling immediately when that happens?

Taking time now to do some long-term planning can save you significant time and urgency in the future. Keep in mind it’s your people who maintain momentum and grow your business, so you want the best talent. And you want to bring in new talent regularly to keep your organization fresh and progressive. Part of that is having a training platform and career progression in place so you can onboard new employees quickly and often as part of your expansion model.

You want to build the kind of company that attracts great talent, places them into dynamic roles, and realizes consistent growth as a result. As growth requires expanding positions with more people to fill them, making time for talent now will benefit you for years to come by bringing all the right people into your organisation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this Growth, Leadership and Management tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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