Make it easy to say Yes

Great questioning and dialogue leads the customer into a position where saying yes is natural. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you how to make it easy to say “yes” by phrasing questions to your customers in a way that shows you understand what they want.

Start by thinking about the important conversations, like the listing presentation. I use a technique called “That’s Right” where I summarise everything I’ve discussed with the customer. The more I can get the customer to say “that’s right”, the more they know that I get them about their needs and their situation.

I’ll give you an example of one agent’s winning fee negotiation dialogue. His customer was deciding whether to go with him or another agent. He won the listing by using a simple methodology based on the question, “if you get what you want, can I have what I want?”

Getting people to say “yes” is about meeting three things: the unidentified, unsatisfied, and unmet needs of the customer. If you can identify, satisfy, and meet those needs, you change the value proposition. At the point where they’re ticking the boxes and saying, “Yes, yes, yes,” you’ve won.

A lot of agents concentrate on fixing the wrong problems, and that can result in the customer asking you questions like, “How long have you been doing real estate?” If you get a response like this from the customer, it’s because you exhibited some behaviour or action that looked out of place. Most likely, you asked the wrong question.

Great questions reveal a completely different conversation and ultimately make it easy to say yes. Once you learn how to ask the right questions you can lead people to say “yes” to you naturally. Help them to get clear about what success looks like for them and they’ll feel confident that they can make easy decisions with you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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