How to Make Your Business Move

The secret to a business that does really well is that they have repeat customers. Is that your business? My Coaching Tip today is all about how to make your business move by working with resources you already have right now.

How many past clients are sitting inside of your business today that you’re doing nothing with? I’ve recently been working with a client who went from $150,000 in fees to $600,000 in one year. He did this by playing to existing strengths he didn’t even know he had.

A lot of us are trapped in what I call “industry dogma.” We’re overwhelmed by all of the things we’re told we need to do and not really getting to do them. I worked with this client to identify all of the past clients inside of his business. He and his sales reps called every one of them, and as a result, moved from 10 to 50 listings within 8 weeks.

Getting in front of clients is key, but it’s getting back in front of existing clients that really drive your business. The industry is trapped in the dogma of making anniversary calls, but no one gets a result from it because they don’t know why they’re doing it.

In my business, we do an “annual checkup call” with our past clients to find out how they feel about their home. You see, if people are dissatisfied and they have a vision, they’ll do anything to fix that. So the purpose of our checkup call is to make an appointment, do an appraisal, and talk with those clients about making better decisions for their future.

Doing more appointments more often is how to make your business move. You could see four times your previous results by focusing on one simple strategy: Call your past clients.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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