Listing Well

If you’re having trouble selling properties then maybe you’re not fixing the right problems. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll explain why listing well is the easiest and best way to sell a property.

A business that does well is well planned. Focus on the fundamentals of listing. You want exclusive authority, the right fee, the right marketing, the right pricing, a motivated seller, and the right location. Of these 7 desired pre-qualifiers every listing should have at least five. That way if any one thing is out of kilter, the rest will keep things in line and still make things happen.

Even more important is getting clear on what you’re doing inside of the listing presentation. I’ll tell you how to inform the customer about changing dynamics in the current marketplace. They need to have confidence in your market knowledge and the ability to sell their property. I’ll also give you some dialogue that will help you win the listing.

What you must do as an individual agent is to know your market. Break it down, understand it fully, and be an absolute student of the game. Know what’s being listed and sold, and how that impacts your clients. We’ll also discuss bargaining strength and the factors that influence your ability to negotiate for the best price point.

There is no magic dialogue to fix the right problems. Listing well is about starting with the listing, being truly interested in your marketplace, and keeping your owners informed right the way through the campaign. Fix the problems that are worth solving and then watch how many others disappear.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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