Limiting Beliefs

Your business needs to scale, but if you’re going to start to write bigger numbers you’ve got to know how to do it. Today in my Coaching Tip I’m going to talk about how limiting beliefs hold you back from seeing the reality of the growth you can achieve.

It all starts when you’re an individual agent working your first open for inspections. At some point you’ll have auctions, too. Soon there will be more work than you can do alone, so you’ll put on an assistant. As your business grows you’ll have competing demands that you’ll feel you have to meet personally. But trying to do that will keep you from being able to grow successfully.

This is where you must learn how to scale. You do this by building a team of capable people who can do those open for inspections as individual agents underneath your banner. You’ll then be able to counter customer concerns and objections with complete confidence, even before they bring them up. I’ll give you some specific examples around how to make sure you have the right people working with the right clients in every capacity of your business.

Making your customers feel completely comfortable with your people is critically important. That’s why you have to hire a great team to represent your brand. I’m also going to give you some phone dialog for your people to use that will keep the focus on your brand without setting your agents up as individual sub-brands within your organisation.

Some of the best agents in the country are doing 100 transactions a year. You can scale your own business that way by building a quality team that steps you up to at least fifteen opens a week. Get past your limiting beliefs and think in terms of reaching those bigger numbers. Your sales process can then produce a much better result for your clients by giving you access to more buyers in more price ranges than any other agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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