Let’s Talk About Change

If you want to make a change in your business you need a vision for where you want to go. So in my Coaching Tip today let’s talk about change: why you want it, the steps you need to take, and where you want it to take you.

The formula for change inside of an organisation is that the person who can learn the most, change the most, and can adapt to the situation of the day is the one who can grow the business. Your level of dissatisfaction for your current condition needs to be greater than your resistance to change. You also have to have a clear vision of the outcomes you want and the amount of energy you’re prepared to put into it.

There has to be a level of dissatisfaction great enough to overcome your resistance to change. You have to see a bigger vision around how you want to serve your customer’s condition and bring a more valuable contribution to the table, or you won’t have a reason to change.

Businesses fail when there are problems and people are complaining, but there’s no vision around what to do to get growth. No one wants to work for an organisation like that. You have to be really clear about where you’re going and what you’re doing to stay inspired. Change begins with a higher level of thinking and the desire to take the first steps.

So let’s talk about the change you want to make in your business. What’s really important is that you’re clear about how you’re going to make that change happen. Why do you want to make changes? Where would you like to go? Who will be involved? What steps do we need to take? Get those things in alignment, then you can do what’s needed to make those effective changes in your business and in your life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Thank you I needed to hear that.. (high lighted bit.. me to a tee.) its hard to step up to make those changes but I need to. I’m sick of working 7 days a week. I have now got two new people in my team and still doing it. Also had my best year in real estate in 20 odd years.. but I cant keep it up… one would think I would know better by now. Must be a creature of bad habits. I am going to instigate some life changes.

    1. Thanks Sandy, so glad you took something away from the Coaching Tip! It will be hard at first but putting systems and checklists in place now to help give direction and structure to your team will benefit tin the long run. Have a system and process for everything and you will always be able to continue momentum plus take time when you need and trust your team.

  2. Hey Sandy there are no bad habits, just habits, either taking you towards your goal or away. The first thing, is to realise you are doing well (best year in real estate) now get the 2 people in your business to create a habit for you to give you 1/2 a day off then a day off, then a day and 1/2 off. (then hopefully a proper holiday no phone)

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