Learning the Key Numbers of Measurement

The only way to know how well – or how poorly – your business is doing is through measurement of key numbers. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you which numbers to watch and why they matter.

Tracking all of your numbers is important, but there’s one number you need to focus on above all else: Appointments. Everything you do depends on booking appointments, from listings to personal meetings with customers. Just 3 appointments a day means 60 in a month, and every one is an opportunity for a listing or a referral.

There’s just one other significant number to watch and that’s your open for inspections each Saturday. Set a minimum number and work to reach it – then set a higher number. Opens are your best lead generator for new clients as well as people you already know and will grow your database steadily. All your signboards and sold stickers in yards increase visibility and social proof in your marketplace, too.

Without measurement you can’t know where critical changes and improvements are desperately needed. By focusing on appointments booked and open for inspections – the numbers that really determine your progress – you avoid distraction and wasted effort on minor tasks. Take care of these key numbers and success in all areas of your business will follow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. JP we really enjoyed your training at AREC this year. Your presentation was very polished and the content was extremely relevant. I loved the story of your Grandad & his buyer service with his monthly anniversary book. Regards, PG.

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