Leadership Purpose

As a real estate agent, a leader, and a business owner, you need to understand not only what drives you, but also what drives your people. In my Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this month I want to help you get really clear about your leadership purpose and why it’s so critically important.

We are all leaders inside of our own lives, but we don’t always recognize what actually drives us. Some people will say they’re driven by money, but it’s more about a desire for significance. We want to feel that what we do makes a difference. Your income may be most important to the quality of life you can provide for your family, or the security that buying assets and growing your net wealth will bring.

The key is to get to know what’s important to your people so you can help them achieve what they want to along their own leadership journey. Have that conversation with your staff individually about whether they’ve bought their first property or their next investment property, and what they’re doing to ensure that their career as a real estate agent will lead them to financial success.

The purpose is critically important to designing your business because it’s the foundation your business is built upon. In my own firm our purpose is to inspire estate agents to achieve their potential. For great real estate agents, it’s all about helping people make better decisions for a bigger future through owning property. Whatever you do, and however you do it, everything you do maps off of your purpose.

Knowing what drives your people as individuals is also part of your leadership purpose as it helps you spot when they’re doing things that aren’t conducive to becoming the type of person that they want to become. You can then give them a reminder when it’s needed. Find out what their drivers are, and they will drive your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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