Lead Generation

A great agent needs to know what their top four lead sources are. Lead generation is everything in business, and in my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you the essential business processes you must get right to generate your leads.

The best agents understand their primary lead sources. First is your personal network, which includes all the people you already know who own property in your marketplace, including all your phone and social media contacts.

Buyer work is your next critical lead source as it relates to all of your interactions, from online inquiries to face to face conversions. Next is your relationships with past clients, and then we look at landlords, who own both rental and residential properties.

Also consider the agents who retire, retrench, or move on from their current role. They leave all their past clients behind and that’s a too-often missed opportunity to pick up those existing relationships and move forward with them.

Social proof is another lead source, as letting the neighbours know when a property is listed or sold breeds more listings. And last is your community involvement, which means knowing where your customers hang out and putting yourself into those places.

The key to lead generation is looking at all those potential lead sources and defining what your own top four are. Focus on doing just those four over and over, really invest in those relationships, and you’ll have an incredible business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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