Knowing the most important numbers to measure and why

What should we measure and why should we measure it? It is important for you to know the core numbers that are critically important to your success.

Your Soft Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are definitive elements, such as the number of call sessions that you do per day. Most agents we work with aim to do a minimum of one, but preferably two to three call sessions per day. A call session lasts around 45 minutes during which we get agents to measure three separate components.

The first component is the number of calls they’re doing. Now, a call is actually just dialing a number; however, during a 45 minute call session you will probably make 16 to 24 calls. Statistically, out of those calls an average of 50% will ultimately make a connection, meaning you will get to talk to a real, live human being. Your goal should be to make eight to twelve connections per 45 minute session. If you’re not getting that number of connections, the issue is usually that you’re taking too long to facilitate the call. You may also be trying to do actual business on the call rather than simply book an appointment. It is always best to meet the client face to face for that business conversation; the purpose of the call is to set the meeting up.

The next component to the call is, if someone doesn’t answer and you have to leave a message, make sure you only leave your name and number. Never leave your brand, or the reason for the call. When you only leave your name and number a significantly higher number of people will actually return the call.

When we aim for our eight to twelve connections per 45 minute session, the final measurement is what we call your Total Number of Appointments. Every day your goal should be to book a minimum of two to three appointments, because the more appointments you book, the more face time you get with customers and the more likely you will be to convert and do business.

Appointments are critically important. What we’ve found is that too many agents simply don’t think about the outcome they want to achieve from their call sessions. It’s not just about the total number of calls or the total number of connects. The number that really counts here is the total number of appointments you ultimately book.

What I do with a number of agents is have them go to their diary and select three open appointment times; for example, tomorrow at 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM, and maybe 11:00 AM the following day. Then I say, “All I want you to do in the next 45 minutes is to see if you can sell those appointment times to three of the people you speak with. If you can do that, you’re 90% of the way to actually getting the job done.

I’m a big believer that you don’t need to be in the office every day from 8:00 AM through 6:00 PM in order to succeed. I do believe that you must be in the office for as long as it takes to get the job done, which means you must stay focused and diligently do your 45 minute call sessions. However, measure every one of those calls in terms of their resulting in connections and appointments so that you’re crystal clear about what success looks like for you in your business.

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