Just Starting- What To Do

Every real estate agent has been a beginner. This Coaching Tip is especially for you if you are just starting out in the business, and it’s a great review for seasoned agents as well. Following are ten tips to get you going in the right direction and build a foundation for doing business that will take you to the top.

Tip #1: Know Where To Start

Make a list of 100 people you know who own property and live in your area. Now, if you don’t know 100 people yet then you may need to start as an assistant rather than an agent. This decision could mean the difference between success and failure in your career.

Tip #2: Build Social Proof

Social proof is vital to being successful. You need a visible track record of sales and auctions, and that means lots of sales stickers on sign boards in your marketplace.

Tip #3: Create Opportunities

Do a great job for each individual you work with, because that person will become a referral for you. Each listing that results in a satisfied client is an opportunity for you to gain multiple new customers.

Tip #4: Know Your Lead Sources

Your two primary lead sources are open for inspections and the Internet, but if you are working inside of a business you also have a database full of potential clients that your principal and the top sales rep have already met, and who need to be contacted again.

Tip #5: Do One Thing Well

There are a lot of ways to do real estate, but the best agents focus on prospecting and appointments. Set a discipline now to make phone calls in the morning and meet appointments in the afternoon every day. Remember, there is no business if you’re not meeting people and listing properties.

Tip #6: Track Your Numbers

You must understand your numbers to know if you are doing well. Listings, sales and income determine your level of success, so make sure you outline a schedule and set target goals, then use the numbers to help you improve your performance.

Tip #7: Find A Mentor

Set up a challenge log and use it to note areas where you need improvement. Then use these notes to get guidance from a more experienced agent with a proven track record who is willing to help you build your skillset.

Tip #8: Learn How To List

The way to be good at prospecting is to be great at listing, because you have to know the right questions to ask when you are calling clients. The better your questions, the better your leverage.

Tip #9: Accept Rejection

In this business you are going to hear “No” often, so learn how to handle rejection. Every time you lose a listing or a sale you have to deal with it and keep going to the next opportunity, so prepare yourself now for that reality.

Tip #10: Remember Why You Are Here

When you first decided to become a real estate agent, chances are you wanted to enjoy the benefits this career can offer you in your life without your life becoming all about the business. Make sure you schedule time off, put systems in place to maintain the business while you are gone, and then take that time to really relax. Having a good life above all else is the definition of true success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Morning Josh, Thank you so much for your coaching tip. I am going to try and do everything you say. I have 4 kids, very busy Mum & have been in RE 20 years. Right now i have a lack of listings and need results. Yr tips are great and read them every day, cheers Shona

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