Job Scorecards

You’ll always have great people in your business if you learn how to make them great. The unfortunate thing that usually happens when you bring in a new hire is that training drops as soon as you start to scale. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today I’ll tell you about the job scorecard we use in the Josh Phegan Company and how you can benefit from using it.

There are important skills you need to train specific individuals to perform, and it’s always better to use a system for that training. Our job scorecard lists these required skill sets for each person. You prioritise the order you want the skills to be taught and then schedule training. Teach each skill until that person appears to have it down, then test them and assess their performance. When they can perform that skill correctly you can use the scorecard to start training the next skill.

It’s key that your enthusiasm doesn’t get deflated if someone doesn’t get a skill set down their first time through training. Your job is to help them become great, so be willing to give them the time and support they need to succeed. By using the job scorecard you’ll be able to systematically make progress and see results by doing those assessments and keeping score.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this Growth, Leadership and Management tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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