Is your pipeline working for you?

What a great agent does is help people make decisions so they can have a much bigger future through property. But first, you need listings, so in my Coaching Tip this week I ask, is your pipeline working for you? And I’ll explain how to make that happen.

What I hear a lot of agents say is that they’ve got a pipeline of potential sellers, but none of those are coming to market. Or if they are you’re getting a whole heap of listings one month and then no listings the next. The problem is that the industry is hooked on looking for listings right now instead of understanding why a customer might move in the future.

Your job as an agent is to understand what it is that the client is really trying to achieve. Maybe they’ve just had a baby, or they need to move to a new school zone before the new school year starts. You have to discover the client’s dissatisfaction and get clear on their vision for the next property.

To work your pipeline and progress your customers you need to find out who they are and where they need to be in their process. Fear is a great motivator, but so is clarity of vision. You have to distinguish the difference between genuine delays and delay tactics. Getting face to face with customers allows you to have that emotive contact and really understand the challenges your customer is going through. Then you can help them jump their hurdles.

So is your pipeline working for you? Because if you have listings, and you can connect with the reason a customer wants to move, and you can then help them drive their dissatisfaction to the point of saying, “You know what? Now’s the time to go!” then you’ve become an agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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