Identifying Active Buyers

Someone you met three, six, nine, or twelve months ago may or may not still be an active buyer today. My Coaching Tip this week is about identifying active buyers, and I’ll tell you how to reengage with your buyer pool to know whether or not they’re in the marketplace now.

If you’re not getting the numbers you need at your open for inspections, there are some things you can do. Start with contacting all the buyers who have inquired on a property over the last 12 months and find out if they purchased, or if they’re still in the market.

The way you approach those potential buyers has a massive bearing on your success. Don’t put pressure on them, but do invite them to tell you about their current circumstances and feelings as to whether or not they’re looking to proceed with a purchase. If so, then find them the right home and they’ll likely come and buy it.

Now, most agents have come to rely on email and social media as their major lead sources, expecting to get a higher number of inquiries. But recent changes in legislation require a statement of information that forces quoting on every single home listed. It’s important that you communicate with your buyer pool about those new guidelines, and how market conditions shift and resettle according to demand and supply.

Make sure you maintain a good quality list of buyers who are in the market today. Think of all the people who have already registered or bid at auction, made offers on homes, or come back for second appointments. And watch the buyers who are coming to open for inspections over time.

You can also have a regular meeting in your business around identifying active buyers. Schedule 20 to 30 minutes each week to run through your best buyers in each price range with your sales team. Then you can map those buyers to the best properties you have available.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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