How Your Brand Positions the Fee

If you want to be the Louis Vuitton of your market, you can’t get away with performing like a reject shop. My Coaching Tip today is all about how your brand positions the fee, and making sure you’re providing the level of service that you charge for.

The brand experience you provide to your customers determines where you can set your fee. From the marketing materials you give out at the listing presentation to the way you run the open for inspection, everything you can do to make the process easier and anticipate needs before the client even knows they have them is important.

Customers aren’t impressed when they go to a store in one location, and then have a different experience at the same store in a different location. You want your brand experience to be consistent with what you do. Consistency makes a massive difference in the way you’re perceived in the marketplace and thus where you set your fee.

You probably have competition from some fixed fee agencies that offer a cheaper price, but they’re also cutting back on quality and services. Think of how you want to be seen and make sure you’re providing a high level of service in your customer experience journey. Make sure everything you do at a marketing level sets you up for success in the customer’s’ eyes.

The touch points that determine how your brand positions the fee include basic things like proper forms, visuals, and dialogue. These create a much better experience through presenting information in a compelling way. Keeping everything simple for the customer will encourage them to make a decision in your favour.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Thanks Josh,
    This coaching tip has come to me just in time, let you know how I go

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