How to turn your open for inspections into one of your biggest lead source

It is time to think about open for inspections as being a massive opportunity for lead source. This is because you get buyers that are entering into your marketplace.

Think of open for inspections as a great way to get known by the neighbours. Not many work their Just Listed campaigns very well. What if you dropped a DL that said ‘Someone in your street is about to sell, to find out who and why they are selling, call us now’. This would add some mystery and intrigue about what is going on and will start to create word of mouth marketing.

Open for inspections is the beginning of the word of mouth marketing cycle as this is where you get to meet lots of people. The challenge is that we have great big databases, full of past market appraisals, clients, and people that you know live in and around the area. What if you thought of open for inspection as a networking opportunity where you ring all these people you know are from around that property for sale and you invite them to the inspection on the weekend? This will give you a chance to get back face-to-face with all of your consumers.

One of the other great benefits is that if you can already bring three, four, or five of your past clients and potential sellers to that particular open home, if that one buyer turns up that’s actually interested in buying the home, they’re going to perceive that there’s more competition on the property. More competition will lead to being able to get the property sold in a much shorter period of time, and getting the property sold will allow you then to put up the sold sticker.

With the open for inspection you might like to have what we call a Saturday assistant, and what the Saturday assistant does is they actually come out and they help you with your open for inspections. So their role is to put out the flyers, promotional boards, etc. and to make sure the home is brilliantly presented and ready to take people through.

Make sure your open for inspection register has room for the person’s name, number of the location of where they’re coming from. Try to get any comments that they might have around the property. In addition to that, like four little tick columns which is the open for inspection call-back, the 10-day call-back, the day 21 call-back, and then the just sold call so you can keep track of your follow up.

Now most agents have buyers entered a database. Many high quality databases now have an automation piece around the way that they work with buyers and sending information about new properties on the market that suit their requirements.
Well I really hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s coaching tip about running better open for inspections. Think about it this way, when you get to the open home, you’ve got a real chance to create the impression with the customer. So, take down all their details, feel free to send them a little SMS after they’ve left the open for inspection thanking them for their time, and make sure that you’re really good at the open for inspection call-back.

If you start to do that and run better open for inspections, and meet more people you’re going to create a much, much better business, and remember, start looking for the business that’s going to be happening in the market right now, and start looking to build the business that can happen over time.

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