How to Succeed As an Agent

A great agent is essentially an all-around great person. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you how to succeed as an agent and as a person by merging your business life and your personal life. It’s important for your business that you leverage every relationship you’ve got, including your personal contacts.

A big part of what you do as an agent involves understanding what it takes to provide the right advice at the right time. That’s as much a personal quality as it is a mark of expertise. You work with a diverse customer base at various stages in their lives. You have to truly care about giving them the best service possible or you can’t deliver on what they’ve hired you to do.

Leveraging every relationship you have means understanding that clients, family and friends – including everyone you know on social media – are all potential customers. If you’re ringing up a client about a significant listing or sale, shouldn’t you also tell people you know personally about that great opportunity?

Building a great business takes consistency and routine based on systems, scheduling, and attention to the simple things.

Prospecting means using all your lead sources to meet the people who have houses to sell. You need to understand that the listing presentation is the ultimate story of what you do to help your clients meet their unmet, unsatisfied, and unidentified needs.

Knowing how to succeed as an agent means knowing how to leverage every relationship you’ve got, maintain consistency and routine, find and connect with your best lead sources, and ultimately understand how you can really help people. You’ve got to have tenacity and desire, but you also have to care about your customers.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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