How to Have a Consistent Business

If you’re tired of watching your business go up one month and down the next, then my Coaching Tip today is for you. The key is to have consistent listings, and I’m going to tell you the behaviours you must learn to make that happen.

Prospecting is your number one skill for getting listings, so your focus must be on prospecting productively. You can’t do that if you’re sleeping late, reading emails for two hours and starting your first call session at 11am.

You have to start your day early — do your workout, whip through your emails and be on the phone by 8am to catch clients at their most receptive times. Scheduling for this routine will structure your mornings to be consistent and productive.

Set a daily goal to book 3 appointments for the next day, and don’t stop calling until you get them. Don’t allow fear and doubt to shut you down – build a winner’s mindset by taking action and moving yourself forward.

Systems let you think less and do more, so set up systems to get your work done and follow them. Always have a current call list, know which category you will be working with, and use the appropriate dialogues from our Prospecting School and Master Class trainings so you know exactly what to say and do.

Of all the numbers you track, the one that counts most is your listings. Focus on that number, prospect with diligence and efficiency, do what it takes and your business will consistently grow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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