How to communicate more effectively

As a real estate agent, you have two different types of people that you get to work with. The first one is the people that you already know, made up of past market appraisals, buyers, past clients, etc. The second group of people are those that you want to get to know, these are potential sellers that sit inside of your marketplace.

Attraction based marketing is when the customer comes to you, the secondary type of marketing is when you target them. Inside our real estate office we actually don’t really understand the type of marketing that actually works for these two types of people.

People you know is far easier to target as you have already built up a relationship with them, however people you don’t know you have to go out and seek to get them into your database to start to build the relationship. One of the greatest challenges inside our business is trying to do both at the same time, however we aren’t doing either very well.

I want you to start thinking about the categories inside your database and focusing on how you you work the category. The five key groups within your database is;

Potential Sellers
Market Appraisals
Current Clients
Past Clients

We need to have a process in place to work with each of the client categories, whether it is just making contact with buyers with new properties on market or following up with past clients and potential sellers about how their buying process is going.

Your challenge for this week is to get on the phone and start to call buyers, your potential sellers, your past market appraisals, past clients, and see how many face-to-face appointments that you can book.

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