How to Charge What You’re Worth

The difference between a fee discounter and an agent who earns a full fee is about what you do for the customer. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll tell you how to charge what you’re worth and be worth what you charge.

It’s important that you deliver high-quality service and customer experience. It all begins with your first contact with a new customer and continues through every step they take with you thereafter. Your task is to minimise the variance in your delivery of service so they always have the same great experience with you and your agency.

You achieve consistency of service through systems built on standards that deliver the best possible customer experience. Determine the most effective questions for every process and ask each client those questions.

When you arrive for the listing presentation make sure you are fully informed of the current local marketplace, pricing, recent sales and listings, so you can help this client make their best decisions through the course of the process.

Use retargeting through social media to serve up ads and video to clients you’ve met with. Offer information on services you can provide to them and ways you can maximise their sale price if they sign on with you. Establish a clearly defined path that sets a minimum level of service for your brand experience. Determine what you’re known for in your marketplace by creating a high-quality brand based on your core values.

This is how to charge what you’re worth and be worthy of your full fee. Get clear about what you’re ready to deliver to your customers and provide them with consistently high-quality service.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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