How Do You Learn?

When you finished school you probably didn’t have a plan to continue learning as an adult from that point forward. That’s a mistake you can’t afford to make. My Coaching Tip today is a conversation to get clear on, how do you learn? Because the faster you learn, the more quickly you’ll earn.

There are lots of different ways you can get exposed to new information. You can watch videos, listen to podcasts, and read books. You should also hang out with people who are better than you because the success level of the people you spend the most time with determines your own level of achievement.

A lot of people say they aren’t good at reading. That’s probably because they don’t do it. I’m telling you that the more you read, they better you will get. Here’s a tip: Use a highlighter. Mark the key points in what you read. When you finish the book go type up the things you highlighted so you can reread them. This will help you learn.

Think about how well you learn when you’re dissatisfied with your current condition. You’ll go out and find new information, and learn it as quickly as possible because you want to fix your situation. You can just as well increase your knowledge when it’s not relevant right now. Once you get clear that you’re always going to be in some situation that needs a solution, then you’ll continually look for opportunities to learn more and get better before those situations occur.

When you think about, how do you learn, you’ll realise that getting inspired by people doing better than you helps you raise yourself to their level. Avoid egoism – that false sense that you’re better than other people. You’ll never learn anything from that position. Practice humility by helping other people realise their talents, achieve their potential and gain the skills they need to be successful. Helping others get better puts you in your own best position to grow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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