How do you brand, package, market and develop yourself so you are desirable in your marketplace?

One of the key components to your marketing and branding is the need to understand that to be really good at what you do, you need to be what we call the “Authentic You.”

The Authentic You is the natural, normal You that you are as an individual outside of the real estate world. If you can bring that genuine personality and persona into what you actually do inside your real estate business, you’ll have a tremendous level of success.

We employ two types of communication: written and spoken. Written communication includes e-mails, letters, SMS and social media. Most of this content comes directly from our head. On the other hand, when we speak, either face-to-face or over the phone, our communication actually comes more from our heart. This means that it tends to be less rational and more emotional.

There is the secret. Really good communication gets not only you, but most importantly your prospect, emotional about what is happening in their world. So whether or not they are thinking about selling or buying a property, it’s all about the process of getting the customer into a more emotional place as a part of the sales process. This is why phone calls and face to face interactions will always win, because these are much more emotional means of communication for the way that we actually want to work with people.

If you want to be incredibly powerful in working with people, do more communication over the phone and face to face. Measure your soft KPIs: The total number of calls or call sessions, the number of connections you make, and in addition to that, the number of appointments you book. The reason why it’s important to be booking those appointments is that that face-to-face communication is where you will actually get to the conversion.

It’s time to think more about what your customer really wants from you. Think about how you present yourself when you actually speak to people over the phone. Do you use a different voice, or do you just use your normal voice and allow people to really connect with the Authentic You that you truly are?

Speak more from the emotional voice, more from the heart and less from the head, and you’ll find a tremendous improvement in the way that you communicate with your customers.

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  1. Hi Josh!
    I am new the Real Estate Industry and am waiting for my license to come through. While I am waiting I have been watching a lot of your training tips which are really helpful so thank you very much!
    I have a question, as I am new and I do not really have a database, what do you recommend is the best way to build a database which will lead to business? People in my office have different views, some door knocking and others just say picking up the phone. Do you think door knocking is the way to go or ringing people up? If you do recommend calling people, do I just go through the phone book and select random numbers? I feel so excited to get into it but would really appreciate some impartial guidance on where to start.
    Thanks so much!
    Sarah :)

    1. Great question Sarah, I’ll answer with another question though, where do your customers hang out before they need you? The answer at open homes and enquiring online. My focus would be to work with people who’ve already come in contact with the agency, then if I had to build more momentum, start working more people in the community, like local business owners. Hope that helps, and congrats on making the decision :) JP

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