How do you book the appointment?

Lets talk about how to book an appointment.

One of the best things you can do before starting a prospecting session is to review your schedule to work out your available time slots. By having the times already set aside, it’s a lot easier to quickly book appointments with the customer.

What we actually want to be able to do is connect with people more. You should be aware that out in the world a lot of people are actually pretty lonely and seeking opportunities to connect with others. Social media sites have been so successful because people are yearning for this connection at an individual level. With this in mind, you can see how you can use this awareness to be more successful in your career by booking more appointments.

One of the things that we have learned is that if a customer will meet with you face to face, then they are more likely to be in a receptive position to be shown the reality of their situation, whatever that may be.

Use the following dialogue: “It would be great to see you. It would be good to catch up. I could do something tomorrow at either 2:00 or 4:00. What’s best for you?” This dialog is designed to sound more like you are actually speaking with a friend. If the consumer feels that you are friends they’ll feel more at ease with booking an appointment with you. We then utilize the alternative choice clause, “So would you like X or Y?”

Getting more buyer appointments helps the vendor to justify selling at today’s actual market price. We also know that getting more market appraisal appointments helps to build the continuity of your pipeline.

What I want you to do this week is book more appointments. If you need more opportunities, hold more open for inspections. Open all the properties that you’ve got available in your stock list because that will build your social proof. Plenty of people will see you doing opens, which will increase the number of buyers and neighbours you get to meet.

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