How big is your database?

You’re missing out on incredible opportunities if you don’t know how big your database is, track on your growth, consistently progress customers, and use those contacts to boost your numbers. Let’s start by reviewing your 9 categories:

1. Buyer to buyer hit list
2. Potential sellers
3. Market appraisals
4. Seller hit list
5. Current clients
6. Past clients who have bought from you
7. Past clients who have sold with you
8. Referrers
9. Landlords

Next, always know how many clients are in each category because every one of them is an opportunity – especially your past clients. Too many agents never revisit the people they have bought and sold with, and that’s a big mistake. Remember, anyone you have handled a property for in the past will buy or sell again, often within a year or two.

Considering that at least 10% of your past clients will be buying or selling each year, that’s hundreds of missed opportunities if you’re not keeping in contact with them. Your challenge is to stop doing business the way you always have done and getting the same meager results. When you see just how much business you’re losing by overlooking the wealth of possibilities sitting unused inside of your database you will be willing to make the changes you need to leverage those opportunities.

Open for inspections must be evaluated each week as well to see how many visitors are past clients, potential sellers, market appraisals and landlords. If they’re coming through your current properties then they are active. Don’t let those time-critical opportunities slip past you.

Keep in mind that selling is not your only concern. You need referrals, and past clients are your greatest resource in that area. But if they don’t remember you – or worse, you don’t remember them — they won’t refer you. Never get caught out treating a past client as a new prospect. You must maintain relevance and frequency with all of those relationships so they will send customers to you. Always be working towards progressing clients through your categories. Get familiar with your database, make those calls and book face to face appointments with them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Hi Josh – what’s the best dialogue to use when you are trying to call through and re-categorise a database which hasn’t been maintained? I have a lot of contacts to call who haven’t been well qualified and no notes of whether they are a buyer/seller/landlord or tenant. Thank you!

    1. Hi Melanie, and great to hear from you. Nearly 99% of all people on that database would have been a buyer first. So I’d just call them like that. Hi Josh, It’s Mel calling from Merc, you enquired on purchasing a property from us and I just thought I’d check in to see if you ended up purchasing in xyz? If you did, what’s it worth now? And would it be of advantage for me to pop out and give you an idea on what it’s worth? Hope that helps :) JP

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