Have We Lost the Ability to Run a Great Campaign?

With all the changes we’re seeing in communication, lifestyles and pricing, have we lost the ability to run a great campaign? That’s what I’ll be discussing in today’s Coaching Tip, and I’ll give you some ideas to up your campaign game.

A high quality campaign relates to the specific needs of the customer, and it’s more about agent marketing than marketing a property. First, you need to hang out where the customer is, and that’s not the letterbox anymore. You need to be digital, online and mobile, and you need to be relevant. That means addressing what’s important to the customer, not necessarily what you’re doing, or think they should be interested in.

Use the SPACER concept to find out what your customer needs are around safety, performance, appearance, convenience, economy and reliability. The greatest campaigns are driven by customer objections you can convert into reasons why they should call you. Think about the special needs so many of your customers have and market solutions to those customers. And don’t forget about all the clients inside of your database that you can contact with targeted campaigns.

You might think you’ve lost the ability to run a great campaign, but with the many new tools available to you and a real understanding of where your customer is at you have fresh opportunities to design campaigns that will get your phone to ring.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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