Growth in Your Career

Having fun in what you do makes all the difference to growing your business. In my Coaching Tip today I want to talk to you about the importance of growth in your career so that you can become the agent you’re capable of being and charge the fees that you’re worth.

Growth is actually a really simple thing. It’s all about understanding how to measure the numbers that count. For most agents the most important number is the amount of income you earn. I’ll show you how to use that number to think about what growth looks like to you, how to figure your annual growth rate, and how often you can expect your business to double.

As your business gets bigger you’ll need to consistently improve your level of customer service. How you serve the customer directly involves thinking about your product and service mix plus the type of staff you need onboard. You simply can’t achieve significant business growth by yourself.

The way I measure my business growth is by measuring this month this year versus last month this year. I also compare this quarter with the same quarter last year, each half year, each financial year, etc. What I’m doing is tracking those numbers and then coming up with ways to get the numbers exactly where they need to be.

There’s never a year on my watch that I let my business go backwards. Every year I want it to be bigger and bolder, I want to always do more things and I serve more customers. That’s because I love what I do. There should be no difference in the way you treat growth in your career.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Thanks Josh.
    Great tip.
    I couldn’t run my business if i didn’t know my numbers.

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