Growth By Choice

If you don’t see yourself as a professional then you’re in the wrong business. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll make it clear that you have to get growth by choice because it doesn’t just happen. You’ve got to want it and then go make it happen.

There’s a way to serve your customer right and you’re not going to manage it alone. You need a team just like all the top people in the industry have. That’s the only way to provide service to standard and better. There are many tasks to be done and each member of your team has a specific purpose. You need a lead agent to control the activities around prospecting, another person who’s great at EAs and marketing, and someone has to make sure all the admin level work is done to perfection every time.

You need that gun team so that you can do your own work – make those calls, meet those appointments and win those listings. Today’s customer is finicky, so you’d better be good at what you do. Nobody will hire you if you’re not. And for you to be your best, then your team has to be the best.

To build your team of teams, you’ll need to employ people who have a great attitude. Fast learners willing to step over barriers, read some books, and understand how you do things in your business. They’ll help you scale your brand by consistently using your forms, checklists, dialogues and visuals so mistakes don’t happen.

Real estate is no place for amateurs anymore. We get paid really well for what we do, and you earn that by working towards growth by choice, not by chance. Get clear and intentional about what you actually do, know how to grow and scale your people, and understand the importance of making a really high-quality profit. It’s profit that allows you to hire the very best talent, employ the best coach, access the best resources and own your market.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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