Step-by-Step Growing A Team

At 30 transactions per annum you’re going to need to put on your first assistant. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you step-by-step what growing into a team looks like, and help you plan for putting on new hires smoothly.

Building a great team is a necessary step for scaling your business because there’s a limit to what you can accomplish alone. First, you’ll need an assistant to take over the administrative work. Some agents try to scale by giving that person a lot of buyer work and cold prospecting. But this assistant really should be taking on all of the admin level tasks so that you can stay dollar focused.

The easiest way to scale is to start with your own productivity. Your time needs to be spent on the phone and out at appointments each and every day. Your assistant helps you scale by handling all the marketing, property preparation, property styling, contracts and other legalities, and getting vendor approvals.

Once you get to six or seven listings per month you’ll be ready to grow into putting on a second person. This will be someone capable of doing your buyer and prospecting overflow work. These are special tasks that you just can’t get to, but are critical to producing results, like doing more open for inspections. As you build your team, be careful of titles. Clients won’t like seeing an “Assistant” handling their campaign. Title that position as a “Co-Agent” who is working with you directly.

Finally, growing into a team means investing in each individual you hire. You’ll need a clear personal development plan to train them for the skills that will be useful to you. Build a high-quality team that’s fully capable of doing the work so you can actually go on holidays or take a Saturday off if you need to. Back your people in so they can do their best possible work for you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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