The Greatest Challenge in Your Business

You know, I see established businesses that have been around for years playing the game as though it’s their first year in the industry. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you that the greatest challenge in your business is realizing where your opportunities are sitting and how they can play for you. And it’s all so basic that you don’t even see it.

Too many agents don’t seem to know the most basic philosophies of creating a great real estate business. They’re not leveraging their relationships.

They’re not thinking about past clients and market appraisals, or where their landlords live. They’re not following up and working with possibly 20 years worth of prospects already sitting inside of their database. And they’re not prepared when an opportunity pops up at them.

Your business’s philosophy has a massive bearing on your potential for success. How do you generate leads? What simple disciplines do you follow? It’s all about how you actually work with customers. It’s about making lists and following up with those people, getting back face-to-face with them regularly, and staying relevant even when there’s no transaction happening.

This is what keeps your business moving. You’ll never run out of people to call on, to follow-up with, and to meet with every day. Forget about what your competitors are doing – worry about what it is you’re doing to serve your customers. This is the greatest challenge in your business: Three appointments per day, every day, to get in front of your customers. Do this consistently and the trades, the transactions – the magic – will happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Hey Josh. Such relevant tips. We have so many people we meet a day some clients, some not. Our paper files on/in our desks and data from past buyers/vendors on our computers are our next lead. Rather than sit at my desk thinking about them I door knock them and love it. Most of the time I get offered a cup of tea and cake. I love my Real Estate career. It’s my third year and getting good at it now. Thanks for all your tips. I often print out your daily emails and will highlight what is important to me. I have it in front of me all day. Even take it to appointments so I can revise it before I meet my clients. Warm regards, Lenie

    1. Hi Lenie! Thanks for the lovely words, so glad to be part of your real estate journey! Keep me posted on how you’re going

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