Getting Ready For 2015

It’s 2015, the beginning of a new year. Time to get focused on the things you can do now to make the rest of the year productive. And one of the best ways you can start your year is to plan for all of your holidays. Odd as that may sound, the truth is that you will be more energetic and focused on the work that matters if you always have something to look forward to.

You will also realize more success if you set goals every 4 to 6 weeks. This is especially important in January and February to build drive and momentum going forward, and to get you out of holiday mode and into the rhythm of prospecting, callbacks, and building customer relationships.

Start thinking now about the kind of growth you want to achieve this year, and how you are going to measure and track on that growth. Know your numbers of calls, connections and appointments, as well as listings, sales and your targeted income. Knowing how to measure your progress will change the way you work every day. It will also cut back on the distractions that can take you off course.

Another action you should consider is training. You can always learn new skills and techniques for increasing your effectiveness in prospecting, listing presentations, and staying ahead of your competition by better satisfying the selfish desires of your customers. This is also the time to review your marketing strategies and update that for your current marketplace.

Most important is to get your focus firmly in your business now. Book as many appointments as possible and get back into that flow. And don’t forget to eat right, exercise, and sleep. Get back on your schedule and moving forward again.

With all that said, you can see what an opportunity our Josh Phegan Membership is for you to learn the best ways to accomplish all of these actions and set the right goals for 2015. We would love for you to contact us for information about coaching and other resources we offer, but remember our events sell out quickly so let us hear from you soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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