Getting Efficiency On Your Saturdays

Saturday is a big day for your business, but if you’re not making the most of it then you’re losing the game. In this Coaching Tip I’m going to tell you how to get the efficiency you need to do more open homes, gather more data, and target your prospecting for better results.

The key is to manage your time more effectively, especially on Saturdays. If you are going to each home, opening up, putting out signboards, turning on lights and setting everything up yourself, then you are wasting your time and expertise as a professional agent. These are tasks you should have assistants doing for you. Think how many more open for inspections you could do on a Saturday if you didn’t have to include that setup time in your schedule, as well as closing the homes and entering all the data on the clients who come through.

You should be wrapped up for the day by 4pm, with all data entered and reports generated on who came through, how many new clients you met and how many were people you already know. By 4pm on Saturday you should be ready to start your call sessions Monday morning with all the information you need to capitalise on your time.

You cannot do this by yourself – you need to hire assistants. That’s how the best agents become the best. They don’t waste their valuable time on menial tasks. If you think hiring assistants is too expensive, then think a little further. How many more listings will you get by doing more open for inspections every Saturday? And how much more profit will your business realise from those extra listings?

To do your job as a professional real estate agent you need quality data and reporting, and a list of the top people you need to prospect with. You will get a lot more of your own work done if you don’t have to enter that data, produce reports and compile call lists yourself. You can focus on prospecting and doing the work that’s most important.

Get smart about how you run your Saturdays. Streamline your operations, focus on doing what you do best, and you will become a much more successful agent.

As you progress in your business, make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Membership, training events and coaching opportunities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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