Getting back the routine

What’s in your calendar ultimately defines what your real priorities are. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you why getting back the routine is the most powerful thing you can do and how it will set you free.

It’s critical that you have a set of values to guide what you put inside your calendar, and it’s not just about work – it’s about your whole life. I’ll help you understand your restrictions, limitations, and opportunities so you can set a routine that works for you.

I’ve found that working inside a 45-minute session at the start of each day is the most important thing you can do, and I’ll show you how that works toward building momentum. Your routine must support you in doing the things great agents do.

A big part of getting back the routine is about looking after self. I’ll list some of the things you can do every day to make sure you can really perform. A full diary is a fun diary, and routine will enable you to maintain consistency and the power to do your best. 

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