Fuelling Vendor Expectations

Conditions change, and as an agent, you need to adapt, so in this week’s Coaching Tip I’m talking about the challenge of fuelling vendor expectations around pricing with the best information.

The media is both your best friend and your worst foe. Everyone in the media has an opinion about the economy and there’s a ton of conflicting information. When customers read about exceptional property sales results in the media their expectations grow.

As an agent, you have to learn where the economy is actually going and know what to do next. I’ll tell you some of the great things that are happening and also about some turbulence that lies ahead.

Get prepared now for ways the media will be fuelling vendor expectations. I’ll give you some tips to guide your approach, but just make sure you’re tuned in to what’s really happening in the marketplace and stay ready to adapt day to day, play by play.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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