Fighting the Age Barrier

Many attributes define a great agent, but age isn’t one of them. In my Coaching Tip today I want to talk with you about fighting the age barrier by focusing on the things that really matter.

Whether you’re in your 20s or your 60s you may have concerns about how your age affects your ability to do your job well. But your age is far less important than your attitude around it. What really matters is your level of commitment to the type of person you want to become. You need the courage to increase your capabilities. Get better at prospecting, open for inspections, listing presentations and negotiations. Being good at what you do will naturally give you confidence, and that will make you a very attractive agent.

Older agents have more trouble with that confidence factor. They may feel the younger agents have more drive and energy, but the real problem is they’ve simply lost their hunger. The key at any age is to have a bigger future than your past, and that’s a decision you make around your knowledge, your capabilities, and your ongoing ability to make a contribution. You also need clarity around where you want to go, what you want to achieve, and what you need to learn and do to get there.

Fighting the age barrier is about learning that age doesn’t matter. A great agent has knowledge, passion, and dedication to serving their customer. Cover those bases and you’ll have an incredible career.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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