Expanding Your Field of View

You’d better know where you’re going when that light turns green. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you how to expand your prospecting field of view and why that’s so necessary to growing your business into the future.

The best agents are always looking ahead and focusing on clients they want to work with. Their planning is measured in weeks, months – even years. Yet so many agents are only focused on the next new prospect, the next new listing, and when that’s done those clients are forgotten. This is a big mistake that will limit your growth and market credibility. Every person you add to your database is important. Every past client is a potential future customer. And every one of them is sitting at a red light, orange light or green light stage in life. You want to already be in position to help each one move forward in the marketplace when their light turns green.

You expand your field of view through following up and following through. Prospect for new clients, but stay present and relevant with past clients, too. Be in touch, provide value, be the friend in the business. You do this by fully realising that your clients are people with dreams and emotions, and major life upheavals often require relocation. The properties you list and sell become a central part of their lives. This is why you want to extend your vision forward to where each client may be in 5 years or more.

If you want to be a really great agent then strive to keep your field of view expanding. Build a client base of people you’ll work with for many years to come. You may not work with a customer for 2 years, 6 years, even a decade, but when that light turns green for them you want to be the agent they think of first.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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