Essential business processes and why they matter

When someone starts inside of your business, how long does it take before they actually get what it is that you do? In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about six essential business processes and why they matter to moving your business forward.

If it takes too long for your new hires to get up to speed, it’s because you don’t make your essential business processes clear. I’ll break down what it looks like to train for those processes, outline a formula for doing the tasks, and measure your results.

Next, I’ll show why this approach is critically important and how to go about teaching those processes to your people. Doing just part of the process doesn’t work. You have to do the whole process for each client and every situation.

If you don’t follow a process you won’t get the results you need. What you will have is an acute state of confusion where people are doing too many things and none of it is working, because no one has mastered the basics and no one is following the process.

The basic structure of what you do should be a logical flow. If it’s not, then you haven’t established your essential business processes and why they matter. First, get clear on all of this yourself. Then you can bring your people to the point of cognition much faster.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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