Don’t Copy What They’re Doing

Rather than worrying about competitors, a great real estate agent is focused on ensuring a winning customer experience. Today my Coaching Tip will reinforce that you don’t copy what they’re doing at that other agency. Instead, decide exactly what it is you need to do for your customer.

If you really want to win in your marketplace, remember it’s your customers who pay your invoices, not your competition. Still, agents tend to work harder to compete with each other than to deliver what their customers will appreciate. Everybody copies what everyone else has done, and the industry becomes less smart in its approach to dealing with the customer’s needs.

In the book The Power of Moments authors, Dan and Heath Chip speak about specific things we can do to engineer the moments we experience. An example would be a trip to Disneyland where your children will experience moments of excitement as well as moments of low enthusiasm, especially as they reach exhaustion. The interesting effect is, at the end of the day they’ll likely be tired and at a low point. Three weeks later when someone asks them about Disneyland all they’ll remember are the high points and how much fun they had.

The same thing happens to your customers. If you send a feedback survey immediately after any customer transaction, you’ll tend to hear about the low points in their experience with you. The further you move away from that transaction, the more they’ll remember the high points of working with you. The key is to find ways to marry a high point of success closer to where the low point exists.

These are the important things that a great real estate agent considers, and the reason you don’t want to worry about your competitors and you don’t copy what they’re doing. Map out specifically what the high points and low points of your customer experience are, then decide exactly what it is you need to do to set an expectation where they’ll say, “That’s why I use you as my real estate agent.”

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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