Narrowing your focus

If you’re not enjoying your work every day then you’re probably not doing the work that’s important. My Coaching Tip today is geared to help you decide what your most important work is and how to make sure all the work gets done.

One of the hardest things for a lot of agents is letting go to grow, but with all the daily tasks that must be dealt with in your business you can never grow if you’re trying to do everything yourself. There are only a few crucial activities you should be working on, and you have to stay focused on doing only those things.

Lead generation is the most important part of your business, and prospecting is your number one task. It’s booking appointments and meeting with clients every day that drives your momentum and gets you listings. If you’re trying to do prospecting and client work as well as administrative tasks, you simply can’t build your business.

Doing too many tasks means you’re not very good at any of them. You have to specialize in prospecting, face-to-face work, and especially in listing presentation skills. You’ll then need to hire someone else to do the rest of the work that’s necessary, but that you shouldn’t be doing yourself.

Make a list right now of tasks you’re currently handling yourself and put those tasks into categories. List the work you enjoy most, the work that’s simply mundane, and then jobs you really hate. The only tasks you should be doing are the ones you truly love. The mundane and irritating tasks are the ones you’ll hire an assistant to do for you. It’s that simple.

Focus on doing the work that’s important, have other people do the rest, and you’ll easily maintain energy and momentum towards growing your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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