Do you copy your competitors?

A lot of people copy what their competitors do. Every week most agents send out a buyer update email with a list of OFI’s, new properties to the market, etc. Over time that list builds and builds and you are never really sure if anyone is reading the email or not.

It is time to change how we market to our buyers and time to get on the phone and call them after they have received the buyer email for about four weeks in a row. Use this call to start to re-qualify the client. Repeat this process over and over again with the client.

The weekly email to buyers is there to build brand awareness and move a buyer to conversion. Most agents are stuck in brand awareness mode and don’t spend enough time in conversion. We don’t spend enough time understanding each client.

Here are a few simple things you can be doing to send more relevant information to your clients.

  • Introduce a potential seller email where you focus on case studies about properties that have gone to the market and sold. Explain the number of enquiries, inspections, etc.
  • Send a client testimonial video with one of your existing sellers speaking about how good you were selling their home.
  • At the end of every month, send a list of all properties you have sold to potential sellers and past market appraisals. This will help you build your social proof around what you are doing.
  • Send a really short email to all the people in your database saying ‘Hey, John, I just thought I’d quickly check in.  Have you found anything yet?’

We’ve got to start to get a lot smarter in the way that we actually work relationships and how we work our databases. Think about it this way:  If your email looks like marketing, smells like marketing, sounds like marketing, it probably is marketing.  And if the customer sees it as marketing, they’ll probably just delete it.  If, however, your email looks as though your grandma wrote it, so it’s nice and personal; you’ll actually start to build much deeper relationships.

Email is only one of the tools that we use as a part of our effective prospecting.  But what you need to do is understand the medium and how you actually work with the customer.

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