Directions Meeting

Everybody on your team needs to know exactly what they need to do each day to keep your business moving. I have found the best way to accomplish this is to have a daily directions meeting to set clear goals for the day. You may say there’s not enough happening in your business to have a daily meeting about it. My answer to that is that you aren’t seeing activity because you’re not making it happen, and you need to get to work on that now.

There are 5 basic questions to ask in each directions meeting:

1. Where are our opportunities right now?
2. What are the next five deals that we’re going to be putting together?
3. Who are the next five people we need to speak to today?
4. What goals did we set yesterday that did not get done?
5. What is our primary goal for today to achieve instant leverage?

Identifying your opportunities gets you clear on the people you need to contact, which of those people you already know, which properties are being developed in your area, and which of those people are active. This question will kickstart your momentum for the day.

Tying down your next five deals begins with reviewing your existing stock. Discuss what needs to be done to make those properties more saleable, such as modifying the seller’s’ pricing, getting buyers to increase offers, and taking any other actions that will get deals made.

Listing five people to contact today targets the sellers and buyers, solicitors, brokers, inspectors, developers and any other people in the marketplace you need to actively progress to the next level in order to remove blockages and close those deals.

Any goals you set yesterday that did not get met must be handled today. Don’t let them slide or be forgotten – if they were important enough for your short list yesterday then they are urgent tasks to accomplish today.

The summary challenge, then, is what you can do today to get instant leverage. That will be the most important accomplishment for the day and sets the bar for everything else on your action list.

Covering these five questions in your directions meeting each morning is the most effective way to generate focus and motivation for everyone on your team because you will all know what is most important. If you are just starting out and you are the “team” then make it part of your schedule now to cover these five points with yourself as you begin each day, and continue to do this consistently as you build your team and grow your business.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. As a salesperson I mentally practised this every day and closed more deals as a result whilst other salesperson’s deals continued to fall and in my opinion some of that was due to lack of follow up.
    As a manager (back in 1998) it was harder to teach these habits in practise. The mistake I made was taking the foot of the throat so to speak. Since those days I’ve Patented a solution that will make such steps a daily habit.

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