Diary Management

Your diary is a tool to keep you on track with calls and appointments. To be a great agent you have to manage your time and keep your energy up in order to do the work that’s most important, and that work starts first thing every morning. In fact, it starts as soon as you wake up.

Follow a routine every day, from when you will wake up, to your first call session, to your meal break, and down to your last appointment. You must be consistent or you will lose momentum very quickly. Remember, mornings are for prospecting and afternoon is for appointments. Whatever time you can start making those calls, do it every day at the same time.

Set a goal to book at least 3 appointments every day. Do 3 call sessions each morning and be done in time for your meal break. Always take your meal break to refuel and rest so you are fresh and energetic for your appointments, which you will meet at your designated times each afternoon. End your day on time so that you can be home to take care of your personal needs. A routine like this will set a rhythm for your life that will carry you through smoothly for years to come.

Of course, you will sometimes find yourself with unplanned extra time. Be ready for this by knowing how to make that time productive. You can always make more phone calls, so keep a current list of people you need to be in touch with.

As you go through your day, document everything in your diary. Use this coding system as you are booking your appointments:

BAP – Buyer appointment
LAP – Listing appointment
MAP – Market appraisal

Entering these codes with the client name and street address allows you to track on the kind of business you have done, who you have spoken with, and which properties were involved. You can then review your week, month and year by pulling up these coded categories to review how many buyer appointments, listing presentations and market appraisals you had in any time frame. You can then compare these numbers with last week, or last year, to see how you are progressing – or pick up the pace if you are falling behind.

Just 3 appointments a day over time will build your business; book even more and your success will skyrocket. But if you don’t set a routine and manage your diary you will never know how you are doing, or do all the work you must accomplish. It’s that simple – and that vital – to your business growth.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, MasterClass Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible BluePrint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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