Dealing With Stress

Stress happens all the time, but you don’t want your business to slow down. My Coaching Tip this week is all about dealing with stress because your ability to cope when things go wrong makes a massive difference to your overall success.

Stress occurs when you’re here, but you want to be over there and you don’t know what to do to make that happen. If you’ve got the right systems then the people inside of your business can be working them. But if you don’t, there’s no way to ensure you’ll have the outcomes you need to achieve.

As people, we need to understand that stress needs recovery, and recovery needs rest. In fact, rest and renewal are critical components for being a great real estate agent. I’m saying you need to take plenty of holidays every year. This will give you the clarity and perspective you require to build a sustainable business. Working weekends is not sustainable in the long term.

Over time you’ll learn to think about the strategy around what to do to achieve the outcomes you need. You have to take control – start to understand the simple activities and renewal cycles you can do every day to reduce your stress. Tension isn’t going to solve any situation. Changing the way you feel will.

When your business starts to speed up, that’s a good thing. It’s when you put a business under stress that growth really happens. But the systems that got you to this point are not the systems that will take you forward. You need to find new ways to handle that higher level of demand.

Ultimately the best professionals are always in control, and they know exactly what to do. They have coping mechanisms for dealing with stress so that they can achieve the outcomes they require. Learn now how to get yourself back into a position of performing at your best.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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