Commitment to the game

If you want to scale your own personal Everest you’ve got to have commitment to the game. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to get past your fears and reach a whole new level of confidence.

To build confidence you’ve got to increase your capabilities. The first step is to identify your areas of fear. I’ll illustrate where that thinking comes from, and how those fears build up and prevent you from moving forward. 

In reality, it’s all about focusing on your capabilities. I’ll show you exactly how to change your mindset to think clearly about what you need, and how to put systems and people in place to help you reach your goals.

Great agents realise that for anything you want to achieve in life you’ve got to make that commitment to the game. Everyone fails in the beginning. You must make the decision to identify the areas where you need courage, and achieve the competence required to be at your best in what you do.

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