Creating a Supporting Environment

You’re about to see your business in a whole new light, because my Coaching Tip this week is going to open your eyes. Before you can tell where you’re going you have to know where you are, and if your surroundings aren’t inspiring you and your team towards achievement then you have to make some changes.

How do you feel when you arrive at your office each day? Is there a kinetic energy about your workspace, or is everyone lolling about? Your organizational culture doesn’t just happen, you create it. And if it’s not what you want it to be, then here are some tips to get things moving.

If your operation is too smooth and predictable then you aren’t really progressing. You only move forward by trying new approaches and working your way through failures. You have to make some mistakes, so stop being afraid of them. Set a vision for what you want to achieve, and create a system for getting there. You also have to make a commitment to your vision or you won’t follow through.

Let’s say you want to increase your numbers. Your most important goal is to book appointments, and you increase your number of appointments through productive call sessions. Set a time early each day for making those calls, and a time to get out of the office to meet with clients because that’s where the money is made. Make sure your environment is built around people and systems you can trust once you jet out the door.

Scheduling daily directions meetings is necessary for seeing where you are, setting expectations and tasks, and keeping everyone on your team accountable. Base your culture on honor, integrity and vision, and everyone will stay on track. Your best people will leave your business in frustration if they’re working in a stale environment, so keep the work exciting.

The culture you create for your business is a direct reflection of who you are. If you don’t like what you see around you, then change. Look at the people you spend time with, read books to improve your mindset, start every day in an environment of success and you will become the person you aspire to be.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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