Consistency wins

Your ability to create opportunity every day is the thing that sets you free. The challenge is to just get up and do the work. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you why consistency wins and how to become more consistent as an agent.

Too often we see-saw between doing heaps and not doing much, but great agents stay consistent with creating opportunity. By doing as little as one 45 minute call session at the start of every day without fail, by end of year, you’d be nailing it.

I’ll explain the power of compounding effort and how to make sure you’re always performing at your absolute best. We’ll discuss how to look at a day that really worked for you, learn why it did, and do more of that.

To be the best, consistency wins. And it’s the power of routine that keeps you consistent and sets you free to go do the work that must be done. Regardless of conditions, stay focused on playing at your best and making great work happen every day.

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