Change Management

People naturally resist change when it first happens, but they also want to be a part of change once they’re clear about what we’re doing. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll tell you why the most important skill you’ll ever master as a business owner is change management.

Often a principal comes back to the office inspired by a great training session and holds a Braveheart speech about all the incredible things you’re going to make happen. But your people remember what happened – or didn’t happen – the last time you did this.

When you think about change, the first thing is to have a set of questions you need to answer. Identify the problem you need to solve and develop a positive leadership vision for what the solution is going to look like. Then think about who is going to be impacted by the change and develop an action plan so you can finally put it all into play.

These are the steps to make change really happen. The business that can change and adapt to new conditions is the one that wins. Change management is your role as a leader, to step your people through these changes, empower them, and get them engaged. Be that leader and your people will want to make change happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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