Why the real estate hour glass is critically important

There are effectively six key database categories that you’ll work: Buyers Potential sellers Market appraisals Current clients Past clients Referrals If you think about your database, it’s effectively a little bit like an hourglass in its shape. You’re always going to have a lot of buyers that you funnel through your system, and you sort […]

Numbers you can’t hide from

This week we are going to talk to you about Hard Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Hard KPIs are significantly more important than the Soft KPIs we discussed last time. These are the numbers you can’t hide from. The Hard KPIs in your real estate career are your foundation: Total number of listings, the number of […]

Knowing the most important numbers to measure and why

What should we measure and why should we measure it? It is important for you to know the core numbers that are critically important to your success. Your Soft Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are definitive elements, such as the number of call sessions that you do per day. Most agents we work with aim to […]

Continuity – The most important practices inside of any business

We are now at the final video of our four part series about the most important practices you need to maintain inside of your business. In this closing video we focus on continuity. Continuity describes the movement that begins with the customer’s purchase or other transaction with you, and follows through with the way you […]

How to ask the right questions and think from the customers perspective

In most businesses, the place where agents lose most of their clients, from a marketing point of view, is between engagement and conversion. The reason this happens is that they stop asking questions and stop thinking from the customer’s perspective. A great example of this occurs when agents give potential clients an idea of what […]

Understanding engagement and how it really works

It’s important you understand how engagement really works. What I’ve learnt in marketing is that if you’re the first in the inbox, the first in the voice mail, first in the letter box and the first in the meeting, you’ve got the opportunity to steal the attention of your customer and the attention is one […]