Recognising the Four-Dimensional Client

When considering client categories inside your database, keep in mind that some individual clients actually belong in more than one category. What this implies is that your business should address them according to every area of the market where they are active, from sales to property management. Let’s say you have a client who is […]

Dealing Naturally with Objections

You know that objections are simply part of the sales negotiation process. But do you know how to handle them? It helps to realize that objections are natural whether you are working with buyers, tenants, landlords or sellers. They occur because the client has questions and concerns about the sales process and the outcomes that […]

Optimizing Personal Productivity

This time of year more than any other, your ability to sustain a high level of personal productivity is vitally important. As year-end arrives, there are more demands on your time, longer hours and late night appointments. You want to start preparing for it now. Three things you can do to fortify yourself for the […]

Planning For Growth In Your Business

Every business needs a business plan, and your real estate business is no exception. Your business plan is a clear and detailed picture of your business. This is where you plan your strategy for success and plot the numbers that will show you how you are doing. This means knowing the numbers of houses and […]

Target Your Best Prospects With Lead Sourcing

You already know how important your database is as a resource for expanding your business. Inside your database you have lists of buyers, potential sellers, market appraisals, existing clients, past clients, key referrers, landlords and tenants. All of those lists would be far more useful if you learn to use lead scoring to target certain […]

The Importance Of The Qualifying Process

One of the most important skills in real estate is the ability to qualify clients. You need to know each client’s experience in real estate, their level of involvement, and their reasons for buying or selling right now. A lot of agents fail to ask the proper questions to get them the vital information they […]

How to get much more out of your open for inspections

You could be getting much more out of your open for inspections by making sure information you already have is easy to find and use every day. By implementing a simple, teachable system for structuring your open for inspection packages you can assure that you and your agents are using your resources to the fullest. […]